Deciding whether or not to have weight loss surgery

For thousands of people every year, diets and weight loss programs have been bitter disappointments. Some who are considered by the medical profession to be "morbidly obese" have become so frustrated, that they either give up completely, or undergo weight loss surgery.

Deciding whether or not to have weight loss surgery is a serious, life-altering decision. And it's a decision that can only be made by the person considering such a measure. It is of vital importance, therefore, to understand all the implications of this procedure.

  1. If you are considering weight loss surgery, you should talk to your physician and ask for referrals to specialists in the field. Ask as many questions as you like. If you don't understand the answers, ask for a better explanation.

  2. Try to talk to people who have had the surgery or who are doing research on the subject. Check the internet for forums, chat rooms and message boards. The web is also a great place to do your own research.

  3. Consider carefully the pros and cons of weight loss surgery and how it will affect your life afterward. Many people have serious health issues after the surgery because they could not, or would not, maintain the strict diet required. Behavior modification is a vital part of a successful surgery, and if you cannot commit to these changes, surgery is not the right answer for you.

  4. There are two common types of weight loss surgery available. One is "laparoscopic RY gastric bypass". To put it bluntly, laparoscopic RY gastric bypass is a procedure in which 99% of the stomach is stapled shut. The second option is "laparoscopic gastric banding". This procedure uses an adjustable band, rather than staples, to reduce the size of the stomach. Before deciding on any such surgery, you should consult an experienced bariatric surgeon. To make sure you have as much information as possible, talk to at least three surgeons. One who can perform both surgeries, and one specialist for each type of surgery. Make sure to ask plenty of questions.

  5. The final decision and ultimate outcome are up to you. Understanding all the risks involved, and having the dedication to make the necessary life-style modifications, can mean the difference between success and failure. Take enough time to consider every option and outcome. If you decide weight loss surgery is the right choice, be prepared to have a lot of work ahead of you after the surgery is over.
  For more Information and Resources on the smart and effective way to lose weight, maintain a healthy weight and permanently keep the weight off Click Here.

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